Sunday, June 13, 2021

IN the NEWS - Making History -- the Wrong Way

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5
"Kamala Harris became the first sitting vice president to march in a Pride event on Saturday as she and her husband, second
gentlemen Douglas Emhoff, surprised the crowd with an appearance at the Capital Pride Walk and Rally in Washington, D.C. 
"We need to make sure that our transgender community and our youth are all protected," Harris told marchers of the LGBTQ movement while wearing a pink blazer and a white T-shirt that said, "Love is love. 
Much of the Twitter attention was directed at a Secret Service agent
near the vice president, a tall man in sunglasses who was seen behind Harris in photos and videos as she traversed the parade area.
..."secret service clearly not happy about protectee going for a walk," lawyer George Conway wrote on Twitter.
Conway was responding to a video clip that shows Harris addressing a crowd at an intersection as the Secret Service agent sc" FOX