Sunday, June 13, 2021

Creation Moment 6/14/2021 - More to be found in our Chromosomes?

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14
"The mass of human chromosomes, which contain the instructions for life in nearly every cell of our bodies, has been measured with X-rays for the first time.
They found that the chromosomes were about 20 times heavier than the DNA they contained – a much larger mass than previously expected, suggesting there might be missing components yet to be discovered.
As well as DNA, chromosomes consist of 
proteins that serve a variety of functions, 
from reading the DNA 
to regulating processes of cell division 
to tightly packaging two-meter strands of DNA into our cells.

Our measurement suggests the 46 chromosomes in each of our cells weigh 242 picograms (trillionths of a gram). This is heavier than we would expect, and, if replicated, points to unexplained excess mass in chromosomes.” SciTechDaily