Tuesday, June 1, 2021

IN the NEWS - "House of One"

 .....and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3

"In a historic first Thursday, a coalition of Jews, Christians and
Muslims laid the foundation stone of a 47-million-euro interfaith shrine on the ruins of the 12th century St. Peter's Catholic Church in Berlin.
Hailed by the Vatican as a "house of prayer bringing the three world religions together under one roof," ... the House of One anticipates Pope Francis' own pet project of an Abrahamic House.
The federal and state governments are pouring 30 million euro of taxpayer cash into the edifice, besides financing several staff positions including a social media team. Private donors are supplementing the remaining costs.
"I think it is very helpful for the concept of the 'House of One' especially the pope's advice that God loves all people regardless of their religious affiliation," Wulff said.
Archbishop Koch, known for his support of homosexual relationships, told Catholic critics the interfaith project would "enable a dialogue process that does not exclude the intellectually critical" and would also include nonreligious people."