Tuesday, June 1, 2021

IN the NEWS - Canadian Pastors Way -OR- Pennsylvania Way?

---Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.
---For there is no authority except from God:
---and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
---So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted...
Romans 13:1,2NKJV/NLT
This is Wrong Way to Go About the Church Closings due to the pandemic.
First- God tells His people to obey the government UNLESS they try to force you to break God's Law.
There is no Law of God that says one MUST meet in a Church setting. Especially in the age of the inetrnet you can meet in Cyberspace.
Second- BUT you do have means at your disposal that God gave you in a democracy--the ballot box. Simply vote these politicians out. To obey the government does NOT mean you have to agree with the government. Use your freedom of speech (what little you have left) to speak out while you obey the government.
Third- You can organize and do what Pennsylvania did.

The Wrong Way
"Defiance! Nearly 1000 Canadian Christians show up for Illegal
Public Church Service. Pastors Nate Wright, Aaron Rock, Jacob Reaume, and Michael Thissen put on the service at 4:30 p.m., despite facing the threat of a $10,000 fine for organizers and $750 fine for any attendees. Trinity Bible Chapel pastor Jacob Reaume, whose own church has been shut down and locked up by the government, and who has amassed over $50,000,000 [yes, 50 Million] in fines, told True North News:

We decided on this because we have been prohibited from leading services in our church buildings and we desire to maintain a public witness to the glory of Christ.  We also believe that people will be blessed by singing together, by praying together, and by exchanging warm greetings with one another in that context.

Waterloo Regional Police and bylaw officers were on site, but did not arrest anyone." 
Pennsylvania shows how to deal with it
"Pennsylvania voters became the first in the nation to curb their governor's emergency powers, approving constitutional amendments proposed by Republican lawmakers angry over
Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak.
The vote on Tuesday's statewide ballot came as Republican lawmakers across the country have sought to roll back the emergency powers governors wielded during the COVID-19 pandemic.
 The state's Republican Party chairman, Lawrence Tabas, said in a statement that Pennsylvanians voted to "put a stop to Gov. Tom Wolf’s dictatorship.”