Saturday, May 15, 2021

SDA Issues- Trans-European Division goes FULL PAGAN

Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers. [Eastern Mysticism has entered the house of Jacob]
Isaiah 2:6
Satan determines to unite them in one body, and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of Spiritualism.  
Papists, who boast of miracles as a certain sign of the true church, will be readily deceived by this wonder-working power; and Protestants, having cast away the shield of truth, will also be deluded. 
Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will alike accept the form of godliness without the power, and they will see in this union a grand movement for the conversion of the world, ....” (Great Controversy, p. 588).
"The Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists is promoting a conference that took place on April 13, 2021 at Newbold College of Higher Learning, a Seventh-day Adventist institution in the United Kingdom. 
The conference dealt with climate change and was led by María Alejandra Andrade Vinueza, a radical evangelical eco-theologian from Ecuador. 
Q: Who is María Alejandra Andrade Vinueza
A: She is a promoter of the veneration of Mother Earth, 
indigenous spirituality, 
Roman Catholic social teaching, 
ecological sins 
and the idea that the divinity of God is both male and female.
María Alejandra Andrade Vinueza offering the “Franciscan Prayer” in which she explains that Mother Earth is the first theologian to speak to us through the trees, rivers and mountains. In her prayer, she asks for God’s blessing, who, according to her, “is both mother and father.
They are mixing pagan spirituality with Christianity
The Omega of Apostasy is making its way into Adventism through Mother Earth philosophies. 
Minute 40:16 –So how can we defend Mother Earth with body, with blood and with life? And who is doing that? I want to say that, just a quick note; I speak intentionally when I say ‘Mother Earth.’ 
I will quote one big eco-theologian in Latin America, his name is Leonardo Buff
He was speaking at the big event in the United Nations in 2008 and he was defending why to talk about the earth as a ‘Mother.’ He said, ‘One can dig the earth, one can sell the earth, one can buy the earth because it is the earth. But we cannot do the same with the Mother. The Mother cannot be sold and bought. The Mother is to care for. The Mother is to love for. The Mother is to venerate. We need to have that same attitude with Mother Earth because it is the only one that we have.’ So although in some of our Christians spaces calling Mother Earth can be very disruptive and problematic, actually putting the label ‘Mother’ before earth will at least give us a more respect to the land we are walking in
Minute 49:46They (indigenous communities) believe that the forest is a living being with a consciousness and awareness, and it is made up of all the beings of the jungle, from the smallest of the beast, to the largest and supreme … It includes the beings of the animals, the plants, the minerals but also the spiritual and cosmic worlds which communicate with human beings what is necessary to revitalize the physiological, physical and spiritual well being … they believe that the forest is alive. It is a living being.
Hour 1:03:11As a Christians we also need to understand that sin and salvation are not only individual. They are partly individual, but they are also communitarian. There is something that Latin American theologians have called systemic sins or structural sins or social sins which refer to all those systems that actually promote death and not the kingdom. So climate change and environmental destruction is part of that system of sins that needs to be challenged and needs to be denounced and needs to be corrected.
Hour 1:18:00It has been very interesting to see how much Christianity can learn from the way of living and from the spirituality from indigenous communities. And if given the chance to learn more from, we could realize actually, that there are more links of the Bible and the spirituality from indigenous communities. Christianity can be transformed by the God that is experienced in these indigenous communities.
Hour 1:23:17 – The other thing that I think is an interesting discussion, and a very long discussion, is around the image of God – the image of God as male and as female. I find that it is very interesting that in many cultures divinity is not only male, divinity is many cultures has the two aspects … so divinity has this duel essence."
---This was part of the message that was being pushed upon Seventh-day Adventists at Newbold College of Higher Learning and promoted by the Trans-European Division. This is a revival of pantheism under the covering of combating climate change. 
This is an attempt to “transform” our institutions. 
They are teaching that nature is equal to God and the earth must be venerated. 
This is a resurrection of the same deadly heresy that Ellen White warned would come again among our people (See Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 200). 
We are being indoctrinated with pure paganism." AdventMessenger