Sunday, April 18, 2021

The "Really" File - (Confusion in the Convent)

 .....neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. Deuteronomy 22:5

"A 46-year-old Catholic man from Belgium, who identifies as a woman, is pushing to enter a convent, become a nun to ‘spend the rest of his days as a nun.’

Eefje Spreuters, a man who thinks he is a woman and aspires to enter a convent, told Radio 2 Antwerp that in all the places where he has registered “the sisters are enthusiastic. But it is not allowed by the rules.”
Despite this, the man, who has been dressing as a woman for over a year, has already begun identifying himself as a religious sister.
Spreuters said that if Pope Francis will not grant his request, he is prepared to start an order for men who identify as women and want to identify as religious sisters.
From the "Really" File

“I asked the nuns of the Order of the Poor Clares. Last week I had contact with the nuns in Brecht, the Trappistines. They could not answer me [about joining] because they did not know whether I could enter as a trans woman. I said I would start a monastic order myself, to which the nuns responded with interest and enthusiasm. If necessary, I will go to the Pope in the Vatican. My calling is stronger than ever.” Bibliatodo