Sunday, April 18, 2021

SCAM ALERT - Eddie Turner and the Monkey Looking Demons

Recently on the Christian Mystic Sid Roth's program-----

How do Christians fall for this stuff?.....Eddie Turner claims he was physically visited by Christ who chased off monkey looking demons in his room....Uhm...where do you ever read in Scripture that demons look like monkeys in form? Demons are fallen members of the angelic host---not monkeys.
Eddie is either LYING for money or was visited by a demon deceiving him.
Then Eddie traveled to heaven and came back when shown
thousands of cots....he came back to supposedly heal the spiritually wounded from thoughts of spiritual torture.

OF COURSE---Eddie will help you break free for a---FEE---of only $35 you can get his book and 3 CD audio series that will set your mind free------of course Christ will do this for FREE. But Eddie & Sid want $35.

In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money
But God condemned them long ago,....

2 Peter 2:3