Saturday, April 17, 2021

SDA News - E.G.W. in Nautilus Magazine

E.G.W made it into Nautilus a piece about aliens. 
Of course she was not talking about the traditional "ET" that people mean when they discuss the topic of alien life......she was talking about those beings who have not fallen to sin of God's creation elsewhere.
........We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe....
1 Corinthians 4:9 NIV
"Ellen White, described visions of extraterrestrial beings in different
worlds that were “tall, majestic people” and entirely without sin. These visions inform the religion’s bedrock belief that since aliens are not affected by original sin, they do not need Christian redemption.

Of course, a serious problem could emerge if ET turns out to be evil. In this case, White’s prophecies might be seen as false, and Seventh-day Adventism would either need to find a way to adjust or vanish into history." Nautilus