Saturday, April 17, 2021

Creation Moment 4/18/2021 - Planet 9 Lesson

So what's the point about Planet Nine?....the point is this: that they don't yet know our own solar system enough yet to know how many planets are in our own why believe everything they tell you about deep time and the universe?
Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
Job 38:4

"..... at The Astronomical Journal, California Institute of Technology planetary scientists Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown present what they say is strong circumstantial evidence for a very large undiscovered planet, perhaps 10 times as massive as Earth, orbiting in the solar system’s outer darkness beyond Pluto. The scientists infer its presence from anomalies in the orbits of a handful of smaller bodies they can see. 

The object, which the researchers have provisionally named “Planet Nine,” comes no closer than 30.5 billion or so kilometers from the sun, or five times farther than Pluto’s average distance. Despite its enormous size, it would be so dim, the authors say, that it is unsurprising that nobody has spotted it yet.
 In 2014 Trujillo and Scott Sheppard, of the Carnegie Institution for Science, argued in Nature that their own discovery of a much smaller object, called 2012 VP113 , along with the existence of a handful of previously identified bodies in the outer solar system, hinted that there might be something planet-size out there. The evidence lay with their orbits, specifically with an obscure parameter called the “argument of perihelion”—the relationship between the time a body makes its closest approach to the sun and the time it passes through the plane of the solar system. The objects Trujillo and Shepherd identified all had uncannily similar arguments of perihelion, which could mean they were being shepherded by the gravity of an unseen world." SA