Saturday, March 27, 2021

What's in a Book Title?... ask Uriah Smith

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Genesis 2:3

 "LIKE the frogs which came upon Egypt, Sunday sermons, Sunday
are now swarming over all our land; and they are just about as much of a blessing to mankind.
....hence a selection must be made of those which for various reasons seem to possess special claims for consideration. 
Such an one we have just received from our brethren in Ohio. 
It is by "J.B. Knappenberger, B.D.," and is entitled, "The Old and the New Sabbath."  
The very title betrays its character, and shows it to be an effort to defend a human institution; 
Q: for where in the Bible is there anything said about a "new" Sabbath? 
A: Nowhere. 
---The Bible knows but one Sabbath; 
---and that is neither Jewish nor Christian, 
---neither old or new,  
*but it is the Sabbath of the Lord our God, and his only from the beginning to the end. 
We might just as well talk about "the old and the new " marriage relation, as about the old and the new Sabbath." 
Uriah Smith