Saturday, March 27, 2021

Lesson about Redemption in Marriage Feast Miracle

"The special object of Jesus in attending this marriage feast was to commence the work of breaking down the exclusiveness which existed with the Jewish people, and to open the way for their freer mingling with the people.
"This donation of Christ to the marriage supper was a symbol of the
of salvation. 
---The water represented baptism into His death; 
---the wine, the shedding of His blood for the purifying of the sins of the world. 
The provision made for the wedding guests was ample, and not less abundant is the provision for blotting out the iniquities of men. 
The wine which Christ provided was not of an intoxicating character."-Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 2, p. 104 E.G.W.
Sabbath School Lesson 1896