Monday, March 15, 2021

Papal Notes - Inroads in Iran

"Iranian Muslims are expressing their approval of Pope Francis. Look at the following news reports showing how happy Iranians are with Pope Francis:

A Muslim academic from Tehran, the capital of Iran,

describes the event as “very important” because it brings together the head of the Church and “a great Shia leader.” In his view, “Peace is a message that must be spread all over the world and Ayatollah al-Sistani is a good choice to direct it to the Islamic world.” He is an “Islamic leader of peace and we hope that this will be emphasized in his meeting with the Pope and that it will be underscored by the media around the world.

And all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:3.

People used to ask in the 19th century: How can the papacy rule the world while the Protestant churches are protesting
Well, where is the protest today? 
Then, in the middle of the 20th century, people questioned, How can the papacy achieve global supremacy while half of the nations of the world are communist
Well, where is communism today? 
Today, in the 21st century, people are asking, “How can the papacy rule the world with so many Muslim nations
Well, what is happening to Islam today? 
They too are being led into captivity by Rome before our very eyes.

Truly, the whole world is wondering after the beast!" AdventMessenger