Monday, March 15, 2021

Creation Moment 3/16/2021 - Competing Views

And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye
between two opinions
1 Kings 18:21
"Creation and evolution are two entirely different ways of looking at the world, each with their own 
--origin story, 
--and even eschatology. 
A creationist worldview begins with our Creator. 
--When one views the world as the handiwork of a good God, and humans as beings who have worth because they are made in His image, that has implications for literally every area of life. 
The evolutionary worldview, however, is so bleak that evolutionists must continually borrow from the creationist worldview. 
--Otherwise humans are worth no more than beetles because evolution says we’re descended from a common ancestor. Alternately, one could argue from evolution that some humans are better than others, and we can see the horrors of 20th century eugenics as an example of where that leads." CMI