Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Creation Moment 3/11/2021 - Proof Vs. Persuasion

"Studying God’s truth, while appreciating its “many infallible proofs” (Acts 1:3, KJV), is a sanctified usage of our minds. 
By intentionally glorifying God as our Creator and being grateful to Him as our Maker, we logically worship our Lord God. 
.....worship is the logical response to seeing and understanding God’s handiwork
This demonstrates the doxological role of Biblical creation.
However, documenting and explaining these wonderful witnesses of creation don’t automatically convert skeptics into believers. 
Q: Why? 
A: Because proof is not the same as persuasion
----Proof requires giving relevant information, true facts. 
----But persuasion requires choice: “clearly seen” truth can be accepted or rejected.
Proof of relevant, clearly seen facts—what the apostle Paul called
clearly seen” evidences (Romans 1:20)—is proof beyond an honest doubt, which can be (and often is) rejected when a person’s receptiveness to truth is corrupted.
Such corruption comes from suppressing available God-given truth (Romans 1:18). 
Evolutionists attribute their origins to accidents occurring to inanimate material. Some imagine that geophysical elements somehow selected and/or sculpted inorganic nonlife into procreating life forms. Some accredit life on Earth to immigrating meteor-borne crystals or to lucky ingredients self-assembling inside a warm pond. In short, such imaginations are idolatry." ICR