Friday, February 5, 2021

Papal Notes - "Brothers" or "Enemies" of the Pope

"On February 4, 2021, Pope Francis participated together with the
Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Ahmed el Tayeb and the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, in the World Day of Human Fraternity.
 Pope Francis did more than just call for unity. He turned up the pressure and the rhetoric by strongly encouraging people to join his new global fraternity with an ultimatum, “we are either brothers or enemies.” The Vatican reported the following:

Pope Francis also emphasized that despite differences in cultures and traditions, we are brothers and sisters, ‘born of the same Father.’ In this regard, fraternity must be built, not by negotiation, but through respect for our different cultures and traditions. “It is the moment of listening. It is the moment of sincere acceptance. It is the moment of certainty that a world without brothers is a world of enemies,” the Pope said. He further underscored that “we cannot say we are either brothers or not brothers,” stressing rather that “we are either brothers or enemies” because indifference is “a very subtle form of enmity.”

The Vatican also reported that “local Churches” will also be “encouraged” (threatened) to join this annual celebration:

Pope Francis was happy said: “I am very pleased that the nations of the entire world are joining in this celebration, aimed at promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue.”

 Prophecy accurately predicted that there would be an attempt to

force everyone into a great multi-religious and multi-god fraternity in the last days. This worldwide movement is called Babylon and has become “the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird” (Revelation 18:2)." AdventMessenger