Friday, February 5, 2021

Creation Moment 2/6/2021 - More Soft Tissue Undermine Evolutionary Timescale

 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. 1 Corinthians 3:19

"Dr. Mary Schweitzer, renowned for discovering intact soft tissue plus blood and bone cells in dinosaur fossils, has taken part in new research which has provided further examples. Hollow and pliable blood vessel structures (microvascular tissue) were recovered from the bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex.

At higher magnification the vessel exteriors were … exhibiting features morphologically consistent with fibrillar collagen”.

The proteins identified included type I collagen, elastin, actin, tropomyosin, and hemoglobin, similar to proteins in vertebrates alive today.

It was hoped the study would provide insight as to how they could have survived for ‘66 million’ years. The authors admitted: “The identification of still-soft tissues and cellular structures in a suite of Mesozoic [252–66 alleged million years ago] fossils and claims of endogenous proteins [i.e. not derived from outside sources in modern times] preserved within these materials, is controversial because it challenges both conventional wisdom and theoretical kinetics, which preclude the persistence of proteins over geological time scales. Data supporting endogeneity have been viewed with scepticism, in part because no mechanisms have been identified that could reasonably contribute to such preservation.

Despite the overwhelming evidence that continues to accumulate of intact proteins in dinosaur fossils, “scepticism” persists because of the “conventional wisdom” that these fossils are millions of years old. Calculations from known chemistry show the proteins should have fallen apart long ago, and no “mechanisms” are known to prevent that.

This material consistently points to the truth of the Bible’s history; the bones belong to creatures rapidly buried in Noah’s Flood some 4,500 years ago." CMI