Friday, February 12, 2021

IN the NEWS - State of "Christian" Music & Lyrics in 2021

But now ye also put off all these; ...blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth....For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature...
Colossians 3:8/Romans 1:26 
 --WARNING--reference to Strong Language [yes, even here we need a Warning Label on the Latest "Christian" Music]
"An openly gay artist has taken the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts, sending reigning champion Laren “I don’t know if homosexuality is a sin or not” Daigle’s album “Look up Child” to second place.
The new number one spot is occupied by Semler and her album “Preacher’s Kid.” Semler is a newcomer to the scene and is the performing name of Grace Semler Baldridge, a lesbian who’s married to a woman while purposeful altering her appearance to look like a man – giving the impression she’s about one upper chest surgery from becoming transgendered.
Preacher Kid” contains 8 tracks and has a “Parental Advisory” warning on it, due to obscene language that some progressives swoon over but we find tacky, blasphemous and tragic. One example is from her Bethlehem song:
"I’m saying ‘F--k a savior’
And if she can’t take it then she’s small
I’m gonna ask a lot of questions
Because I’m giving this my all
You know the people preach now
Well they’d be putting us through s--t
And if you don’t sanction that then why are you rewarding it
Baldridge herself is a real-life preacher’s kid – in this case, the daughter of an Episcopal priest. Throughout the album, she rants about the church’s refusal to embrace LGTBQ ideology." Protestia