Friday, February 12, 2021

Creation Moment 2/13/2021 - "Big Bang" Reinforces Romans 1:22

Claiming to be wise, they became fools... Romans 1:22
Below is a piece from Science Focus which describes the so-called "big bang".....
Science Focus is in Gray / My Responses are in Pink...enjoy

"The Universe has not existed forever. It was born. Around 13.82 billion years ago, matter, energy, space – and time – erupted into being in a fireball called the Big Bang." (According to Einstein's theory of Relativity space-matter-time are co-dependent. Which
means one can't exist without the other two. So for even the tiniest point of singularity to exist that takes up space--which means matter and time would also already be in where did that come from?...and NO, the answer is not the latest attempt at a save by Lawrence Krauss who claims there was these fluctuating energy waves that sparked into something---for that would be matter in an energized state, hence space and time would exist. They still haven't answered how or why it would even exist. They are just kicking the can down the road

"It expanded and, from the cooling debris, there congealed galaxies – islands of stars of which our Milky Way is one among about two trillion. This is the Big Bang theory." (What the article is not telling you is that the mathematics don't really work as well as the fact the temperature of the universe doesn't have enough variation to have spread out over a long period of time---so Alan Guth came up with an attempted face save around 1979 called inflation theory---that the expansion was within a billionth of a second. ...Really?....that much power in a microscopic point of singularity to fill the universe that fast?..and many cosmologists today don't believe in it anymore because newer mathematics shows it's flawed....this is why some now believe in MOND, the Carmelian theory, Brane Theory/Multiverse theory, used String Theory or even going back to the Steady State Theory that fell out of favor in the 1950's)
"A universe popping into existence out of nothing is so bonkers that scientists had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the idea." (Yeah I know---anything, even bonkers, as long as they don't have to give credit to God)
"When a stick of dynamite explodes, the detonation occurs in one place and shrapnel flies into the void. (When dynamite, or anything else explodes, there is ALWAYS chaos and destruction. So what these people want you to believe is that one time order, structure, laws of physics/mathematics/nature as well as life came from a
random explosion---once again, anything but believing God did it
"In the Big Bang, there was no center and no pre-existing void, so it didn’t happen at any ‘location’. Space itself popped into existence and began expanding everywhere at once." (Sorry but I don't care how many college degrees you have---even Einstein agreed that SOMETHING CAN'T COME FROM NOTHING)