Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mark of the Beast Lurking in the Swamp of Laudato Si'

Counterfeit Sabbath Cloaked in Modern Environmentalism...
"The gravity of the ecological crisis demands that we all look to the common good....Care for nature is part of a lifestyle ....In this sense, we can speak of a universal fraternity”... Love for society
and commitment to the common good love moves us to devise larger strategies to halt environmental degradation and to encourage a “culture of care” which permeates all of society... Society is also enriched by a countless array of organizations which work to promote the common good and to defend the environment....The ecological conversion needed to bring about lasting change is also a community conversion.
On Sunday, our participation in the Eucharist has special importance. Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath, is meant to be a day which heals our relationships with God, with ourselves, with others and with the world.
Sunday is the day of the Resurrection, the “first day of the new creation,.......The law of weekly rest forbade work on the seventh day, ...And so the day of rest, centered on the Eucharist, sheds it light on the whole week, and motivates us to greater concern for nature .....Thus, the Eucharist is also a source of light and motivation for our concerns for the environment....Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus,..... is the Queen of all ecological conversion can inspire us to greater creativity and enthusiasm in resolving the world’s problems and in offering ourselves to God “as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable” (Rom 12:1).... So what they all need is an “ecological conversion”, .... Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.... The existence of laws and regulations is insufficient in the long run to curb bad conduct, even when effective means of enforcement are present. If the laws are to bring about significant, long-lasting effects, the majority of the members of society must be adequately motivated to accept them...Only by cultivating sound virtues will people be able to make a selfless ecological commitment.....Enforceable international agreements are urgently needed, .......Global regulatory norms are needed to impose obligations...,,,,,The financial crisis of 2007-08 provided an opportunity to develop a new economy....But the response to the crisis did not include rethinking the outdated criteria... there is a need to change “models of global development”.."
Laudato Si' / Pope Francis P.201,228,231,219237,236,241,220,217,211,173,189,194

The Mark of the Beast---
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth...saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast...And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:14,17
The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away...
The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof;
--because they have transgressed the laws,
Q: What Laws?
A: The Laws of God...according to Daniel the Little Horn (Beast of Revelation) will change times and Laws (Obviously God's Laws and get man's to bend to it)
Q: And what Law of God deals with time?
A: The day of His Sabbath...the 7th day of the week
--changed the ordinance,
Q: What Ordinance?
A: The one that identifies Him as God, the Creator, His Sabbath Commandment...changing globally by law transferring the solemnity of the 7th day to another, likely the 1st can see how they could use the cry of letting mother earth have a day to rest to reduce our so-called carbon footprint as a unifier of both believers and non-Christians...
--broken the everlasting covenant.
Q: What Everlasting Covenant?
A: The one of True Righteousness by Faith--where God gives us Justification (Grace/Forgiveness) but He expects Sanctification to follow (Obedience). ...the one where He writes the Law in our hearts but man erases it.
Isaiah 24:4,5
God's Sabbath---
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy....But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God..
Exodus 20:8,10
--Picture the scene--natural calamities sweep the planet causing the Christian Clergy to Cry out to God and push for honoring God due to what they perceive as "punishments" for the sins of the land---LGBT, Abortion, etc.---and someone steps forward from the Christian Camp and holds out a carrot stick to the non-Christian world to cooperate....let's just say this carrot stick is tinted side calls for appeasing an angry Father God and the other side joins in to appease an angry Mother Earth...common ground found...doesn't matter why they do it...fact is they do it...a Global Counterfeit Sabbath...and a possible global economic crash that might lead to a Digital Currency we keep hearing about--thereby giving them the ability to control buying and selling with the push of a button...