Sunday, January 17, 2021

Creation Moment 1/18/2021 - 1/137.03599920611 = DESIGN for Life?

And though I ....understand all mysteries, and all knowledge;....and have not Love, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:2
"But some numbers are very important in the structure of our universe. In this case they are refining a very important but very strange number that links the forces of our universe:
This pure number, with no units and dimensions, is key to the workings of the standard model of physics. Scientists were able to improve its precision 2.5 times or 81 parts per trillion (p.p.t.), determining the value of the constant to be α = 1/137.03599920611 (with the last two digits still being uncertain).

The numbers that matter are not necessarily the ones we might expect. How about 1/137?:

Numerically, the fine-structure constant, denoted by the Greek letter α (alpha), comes very close to the ratio 1/137. It commonly appears in formulas governing light and matter. ‘It’s like in architecture, there’s the golden ratio,’ said Eric Cornell, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist at the University of Colorado, Boulder and the National Institute of Standards and Technology. ‘In the physics of low-energy matter — atoms, molecules, chemistry, biology — there’s always a ratio’ of bigger things to smaller things, he said. ‘Those ratios tend to be powers of the fine-structure constant...But our universe seems designed in a certain way and fine-tuned to produce life. If so, certain numbers are necessarily more important than others".....EN&V