Friday, January 8, 2021

IN the NEWS - With Trump Out-of-the-Way

"Welcome to year #1 of the Global Reset
Rome will celebrate on January 20, 2021 when 86-year-old Jesuit

Father Leo O’Donovan
, former president of Georgetown Jesuit University, will offer the prayer at the swearing-in ceremony of President-elect Joe Biden.
The Jesuits are entering an intimate relationship with America. 
Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudoato Si’, is part of Joe Biden’s vision for the United States. Joe Biden and Pope Francis have already pledged to work together to solve the climate crisis. 
Joe Biden has already praised the importance of Laudato Si’and has even been promoting Fratelli Tutti, the other encyclical of Pope Francis
No one will stand in their way. -----President Donald Trump was an obstacle. As a nationalist and anti-globalist president, Trump opposed the policies of Pope Francis. For Rome, Donald Trump was a problem. But now with Trump out of the way, we will now see an intimate and close working relationship between the two great superpowers of Prophecy: the United States and the Vatican. This is what Revelation says has to happen.

1) For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, 2) and to agree, 3) and give their kingdom unto the beast, 4) until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” Revelation 17:17." AdventistMessenger