Friday, January 8, 2021

IN the NEWS - Money Machine of 2021?

In 2020 Congress added $5.3 Trillion to the debt in just two days (2
separate votes for COVID stimulus last year--now nearly $30 Trillion in debt).....will Biden's call for TRILLIONS MORE be what takes us over the edge for total economic collapse? the groundwork being laid for a digital currency where they can control your money---to turn off or on?

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 
Revelation 13:17

"Joe Biden on Friday called for trillions of dollars in immediate further fiscal support, including increased direct payments, to kickstart the economy from the Covid shutdowns which will expand under his administration.

The price tag will be high,” Biden said of his planned package in Wilmington, Delaware. He promised to lay out his proposals next Thursday, before taking office on Jan. 20. “It will be in the trillions of dollars.”

As reported by Bloomberg, "Biden invoked images of the unemployed waiting in long food lines" and added a dire warning: “If we don’t act now, things are going to get much worse and harder to get out of a hole later.”

What he didn't say is that even if he acts now, and he will, is that

things will still get much worse later, at which point it won't be trillions but quadrillions as the final race to the debasement bottom begins.

People are lined up for miles in their automobiles waiting to get a meal to put on the table for their family,” Biden said at the news conference on Friday. The president-elect also called for a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour, another measure that’s likely to run into a challenging political calculus.

Biden demand for much more stimulus - which will include $2,000 stimulus checks and hundreds of billions in state and local funds to bail out insolvent democrat cities and their pensions - came after an dismal December jobs report that reflected a plunge in restaurant employment, driven largely by mayors like Bill de Blasio killing their local restaurant industry." ZeroHedge