Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Declaration.....

 "Have you in faith asked God for that consecration that will lead to
self-denial and self-sacrifice? 
---Many do not move in the confidence of a living assurance that Christ is pleading before the Father as our Intercessor. 
---Christ has identified himself with our necessities, and is able to supply every peculiar need of our weakness. 
Too often we forget the Lord. 
Self gives way to impulse, and we lose the victories that we should gain.
God will always accept confession, 
if the evil that has been done is repented of. 
Our Heavenly Father makes the declaration, "As I live, . . . I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked should turn from his way and live.""
E.G.W. / Ezekiel 33:11