Monday, December 28, 2020

SDA News - Kidnapped

Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts...
Zechariah 8:21
"Inter-American Division (IAD) President Elie Henry and his daughter were kidnapped in Haiti on Christmas Eve. The story:

Irma Henry and her father Elie Henry went missing on Christmas

Eve while traveling from the Haiti Adventist Hospital to a relative’s house in Felmathe, near Port au Prince.

Irma Henry is a chief of Physical Therapy and has been working at HAH for the last 2 years.

Her parents were on a short holiday visit to Haiti. Irma and her father left the hospital by private vehicle at approximately 6pm last night and never arrived at their expected destination.

Yesterday morning, Elie’s brother who is a neurosurgeon in Port au Prince was contacted by kidnappers who said that they are holding Irma and her father for a ransom of $5 million USD." Fulcrum7