Monday, December 28, 2020

SDA Issues- The Image of God is Being Erased at our Hospitals

 Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil... Exodus 23:2
"Adventist Health allows its physicians to perform gender affirming surgeries such as mastectomies and hysterectomies for transgender men (women transitioning into men) at its facilities. Also, “within” the Adventist Healthsystem,” physicians can provide gender-affirming hormone therapy. This information was disclosed by the California State Attorney General’s Office.

All of this came to light as a result of Adventist Health’s plan to take over Delano Regional Medical Center in 2019. Because hospitals in California receive most of their revenue from Medi-Cal, California’s Medicaid insurance, all business mergers of organizations that receive public money must be approved by California Attorney

General Xavier Becerra. And it’s not a surprise that Joe Biden chose California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to be director of the US Department of Health and Human Services because of his radical and liberal views on health.

So what were the requirements that Xavier Becerra gave to Adventist Health? They are contained in a 17-page “Affiliation Agreement” dated November 19, 2019 and prepared by the Attorney General’s office. This was a “temporary” approval given to Adventist Health to acquire Delano Regional Medical Center based on certain conditions. Notice what Section “XV” says on page 8:

There shall be no discrimination against any lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer individuals at Delano Regional Medical Center. This prohibition must be explicitly set forth in Central California Foundation For Health, Adventist Health System/West, and Adventist Health Delano’s written policies applicable at Delano Regional Medical Center, adhered to, and strictly enforced.”

This “written” and “enforced” policy is completely incompatible with the Bible. We have administrators who are confused about sexuality. These clueless and compromised Seventh-day Adventists see nothing wrong with the state dictating our new “legally binding” LGBT+ policies.

Questions #7 and #8 specifically address transgender surgery, therapy and services. We will show the question and answer in its entirety and in its original, including  the parentheses:

Q7. What treatment or referrals does Adventist Health provide for patients with gender dysphoria, (such as hormone therapy and gender-affirmation surgery)? 

That is the original question. We have not added anything. The question has to do with affirmation services for transgender people, such as women who want to become men. Notice their answer:

Answer: A physician can refer their patients as the patient wishes and the physician recommends. It is between the physician and their patients. Adventist Health does not direct care and would support our patients based on their wishes. Within our system some physicians provide hormone therapy however none of our facilities currently provide gender reconstruction surgery. 

Seventh-day Adventist hospitals are providing referral services and

hormone therapy treatments...These so-called “medications” are designed to block hormones. For transgender women (biological men who wish to become women), estrogen injection therapy will block testosterone in men, thereby inducing femininity and transforming them into “women.”

For transgender men (biological women who want to become men), testosterone injections will suppress female characteristics and help increase masculinity in these women. We are talking about feminizing men and making women more masculine. We are helping people transition away from their assigned sex at birth! We do it for money, between $5,000 and $30,000 per person (the average cost for transitioning hormone therapy). This is more than affirming the world’s radical gender theories; Adventist Health is actually helping them make the transition! Notice question #8.

Q8. Assuming that it is medically indicated by their physician, do you provide any or all of the following health care services to all patients, including to patients who are seeking such services related to a gender transition: Hormone therapy, Hysterectomy, Mastectomy.

This questions is not about removing a woman’s breast or uterus because of cancer. The question has to do with a woman who has perfectly normal body parts, but because they want to transition into a man, would Seventh-day Adventist institutions provide these gender transition services? That is the question. Notice their answer:

Answer: Adventist Health does not direct hormone therapy, hysterectomies or mastectomies. It is a physician-patient decision and if elected could be done in our facilities.

Here again is their political double talk. We do not “direct” these gender transition services, but they can be performed
at our facilities. Non-direct actions mean that our hospitals will listen to the LGBT+ patient, support the LGBT+ patient and if the LGBT+ patient chooses to transition, we will allow our “sacred” institutions to engage in sex affirmation surgeries for “gender transition.”

Oh, but we don’t do gender reconstruction surgery.” No they don’t. Adventist Health only does gender affirming surgery. The hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, cervix, ovaries and Fallopian tubes) is for the purpose of affirming the new gender. Transgender men (women) want their internal anatomy to align with their gender. This is a huge, life-changing step in gender transition. And for around $20,000 (the average cost for a hysterectomy), Adventist Health will help you transition.

And a mastectomy (removal of the breast) is just another step towards physical manhood for female-to-male transgender patients. For only around $15,000 (the average cost for a mastectomy) Adventist Health can get rid of your female attributes. For only $15,000 a woman can have a chest that will look just like a man’s chest.

Well, the California Attorney General was very pleased with the responses, so on January 7, 2020, Delano Regional Medical Center joined the Adventist Health family. They celebrated with photos, balloons and a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Finally, on June 22, 2020, Adventist Health also released the news of its acquisition of Delano Regional Medical Center, COMPLETE with the conditions that they agreed to abide by as outlined in the California Attorneys General’s report.

This is a betrayal of God, our fellow men, the church and every Seventh-day Adventists. We no longer know what it means to be human, made in the image of God! This abomination defies God’s intentions for mankind regarding human sexuality.

This is a dark period in the history of Adventism. We are faced with an apostasy that is headed by top leaders, followed by silent mid-level managers and supported by a careless ministry. The visible church is being turned into a pro LGBT+, pro ecumenical and pro humanistic swamp while lazy, men-pleasing messengers cry “peace and safely” (PK 142).

 Please read carefully the following inspired counsels that address the current situation taking place within Adventism:

In these days He (God) has instituted no new plan to preserve the purity of His people. As of old, He entreats the erring ones who profess His name to repent and turn from

their evil ways. Now, as then, ....Though the Lord in mercy withholds for a time the retribution of their sin, as in the days of Jeremiah, He will not always stay His hand, but will visit iniquity with righteous judgment(Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 165).

He shows us that when His people are found in sin they should at once take decided measures to put that sin from them, that His frown may not rest upon them all. But if the sins of the people are passed over by those in responsible positions, His frown will be upon them, and the people of God, as a body, will be held responsible for those sins … God bids us speak, and we will not be silent.” (Testimonies, Vol. 3, pp. 265, 266)." AdventMessenger