Monday, December 7, 2020

SDA Issues - Journey Magazines Journey from the Church

 Q: Anyone going to be fired at Journey for this?

"The vague and fanciful interpretations of Scripture, and the many conflicting theories concerning religious faith that are found in the Christian world, are the work of our great adversary to confuse minds so that they shall not discern the truth. And the discord and division which exist among the churches of Christendom are in a great measure due to the prevailing custom of wresting the Scriptures to support a favorite theory. Instead of carefully studying Gods word with humility of heart to obtain a knowledge of His will, many seek only to discover something odd or original."
 Great Controversy, 520 E.G.W.

"Journey Magazine is the official  publication of the North American Division. Journey Magazine is sent to every member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church within the North American Division

 December 2020 issue of Journey Magazine contained an article on page 8 entitled “I’m an Adventist, Not a Conspiracy Theorist.” 
The North American Division’s magazine calls for a roll back of our historic prophetic interpretations. Adventist Journey calls for “revising our discourse surrounding end-time theology.” They say it is time to “think and talk about the end-times differently.” It’s time, according to Journey Magazine, to “contemplate the Apocalypse in more objective, modern terms.” And what will be the new emphasis? Climate change. Here are some of the highlights:
  • In place of conspiracy theories and fear-mongering about the end of the world, I suggest we insert the good news of Jesus Christ in the context of objective facts about what’s happening to our
  • We’re told that a “third of the trees . . . and all green grass” will be “burned up.” “A third of the living creatures in the sea” die. “A third of the waters” become “bitter” and many people die because of it. “A third” of the “sun,” “moon,” and “stars” “were darkened” (Rev. 8:7-12)
  • The biodiversity of our planet is experiencing a holocaust, and an estimated 1 million species are at risk of extinction.
  • Two billion people depend on ecosystems in dry land areas, and the United Nations estimates roughly 50 million people might be displaced within 10 years.
  • The prophecy about “a third” of the sun, moon, and stars going dark could be interpreted in number of different ways, but it could easily point toward ecological problems with our planet.
  • Our air is so bad that worldwide 4.2 million people die each year from being exposed to outside air. Some 91 percent of the world’s population live where the air quality doesn’t meet World Health Organization standards.
  • When we look up, we no longer see the heavens in the way God intended. Many of us are harmed by the air we breathe.
  • Our society generally doesn’t have much patience or need for conspiracy theories and fearmongering.
  • We Adventists have the luxury of having science actually support our end-time theology.

From the Great Controversy to the Green Controversy

A remarkable phenomenon is occurring today in the church. Under the leadership of Pope Francis, the churches are working together to heal the planet, even as sin and anarchy are increasing at an alarming rate in society. The attitude seems to be: “Let the earth be healed even if the people die.” The religion of ecology is replacing the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14:6-12
Seventh-day Adventists are moving from saving souls to saving seaweed
Now we will be rescuing penguins instead of people.

The moral issues that have been fought over throughout the 6,000-

year controversy between Christ and Satan are about to change. It’s no longer about sin, disobedience, rebellion, apostasy and lawlessness. No, not anymore. Now it’s about sustainability, biodiversity, clean energy and climate change. The great adversaries of Revelation used to be the beast, the image and the false prophets. That’s all changed now.

Today, they have become our friends. They are now our new allies in the New Green Controversy.

---We are told that all the new changes are necessary because of
What science? 
---The conspiracy theory scientists who first said in the 1970s that a new ice age was coming and that we needed to prepare for global cooling? These were the same scientists who later said in the 1980s that acid rain was going to destroy the earth. Then, in the 1990s, they said that our depleting ozone layer was going to kill mankind. Then in the 2000s, it was global warming. Now they had to change it to climate change. That’s 40 years of fear-mongering, tax increases and new regulation, control and government power.
Q: Will we reject God’s Great Controversy and embrace Rome’s Green Controversy
Will we listen to the voice of the United Nations above the warnings from God? 
We do so at the peril of our soul.
 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place. 2 Peter 1:19."