Monday, December 7, 2020

ARCHAEOLOGY: What those Irish Dinosaurs Really Tell Us

And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth...
Genesis 6:17
"Paleontologists have found the fossilized remains of two Jurassic dinosaur species in Co. Antrim in Northern Ireland. These are the first dinosaur remains reported from anywhere in Ireland and some of the most westerly in Europe.
This is a hugely significant discovery,” said Dr. Mike Simms, a curator and paleontologist in the Department of Natural Sciences at National Museums Northern Ireland.
The great rarity of such fossils here is because most of Ireland’s rocks are the wrong age for dinosaurs,
either too old or too young, making it nearly impossible to confirm dinosaurs existed on these shores.
 “Scelidosaurus keeps on turning up in marine strata, and I am beginning to think that it may have been a coastal animal, perhaps even eating seaweed like marine iguanas do today,” said Professor David Martill."
***Well,  maybe they keep turning up in marine strata because something like a FLOOD buried them under water and earth....also maybe the Rocks are not the wrong age for dinosaurs---rather your worldview on dinosaurs and timeline is WRONG...Just a Thought....