Thursday, December 3, 2020

Revelation 22:1,2 Examined

 Verse 1. And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

"The angel continues to show John the wonderful things of the city of God. In the midst of the street of the city was the tree of life.

The Broad Street.--Although the word street is here used in the singular number, with the definite article the before it, it is not to be supposed that there is but one street in the city; for there are twelve gates, and there must of course be a street leading to each gate. But the street here spoken of is the street by way of distinction; it is the main street, or, as the original word signifies, the broad way, the great avenue.

The River of Life.--The tree of life is in the midst of this street; 
--but the tree of life is on either side of the river of life
--hence the river of life is also in the midst of the street of the city. --This river proceeds from the throne of God. 
The picture thus presented before the mind is this: The glorious throne of God at the head of this broad way, or avenue; out of that throne the river of life, flowing lengthwise through the center of the street; and the tree of life growing on either side, forming a high and magnificent arch over that majestic stream, and spreading its life-bearing branches far away on either hand

A very natural conception of the arrangement of the streets of the city would be that shown in the accompanying diagram; namely, the throne in the center, and a grand avenue in which is the river of life and the tree of life extending out in four directions to the wall of the city on all of its four sides. This would give all corresponding parts of the city equal access to the grand avenue.

The Tree of Life.--But how can the tree of life be but one tree, and still be on either side of the river?  
It is evident that there is but one tree of life. From Genesis to Revelation it is spoken of as but one--the tree of life.  
2. To be at once on both sides of the river, it must have more than one trunk, in which case it must be united at the top or in its upper branches, in order to form but one tree.
The tree of life bears twelve kinds of fruit, and yields its fruit every month. This fact throws light upon the declaration in Isaiah 66:23, that all flesh shall come up "from one new moon to another" to worship before the Lord of hosts. The words new moon should be rendered month.

The Hebrew has (hhodesh), the second definition of which Gesenius gives as "a month." The Septuagint has (mena ek menos), "from month to month." The redeemed come up to the holy city from month to month to partake of the fruit of the tree of life. Its leaves are for the healing of the nations; literally, the service of the nations."
Uriah Smith