Thursday, December 3, 2020

IN the NEWS - Vatican Looks To Biden [COVID/Climate]

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

"The Vatican suggested Thursday a Biden presidency might inject new life into the stagnant Paris Climate Accord after President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the deal in 2017.

 The Vatican COVID-19 Commission announced Thursday that it is organizing a webinar next week in preparation for a December 12 global climate summit to be co-hosted by the United Nations and the UK to mark the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.
In its preparatory document, the Vatican team lamented the lack of initiative and commitment around the Paris climate goals, something it said needs to gain renewed momentum ahead of the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP 26) to be held in Glasgow in November 2021...... the text states. “The result of US elections can play a key role in the next weeks’ developments.
In Thursday’s text, the Vatican states that governments “need an immediate response to shifting the global economy from fossil fuels” in order to avoid “catastrophic effects, including destabilizing heat waves, severe floods, and a sharp rise in sea level.”

Particularly, industrialized countries must act quickly to meet their net-zero targets before 2050 to achieve the Paris targets,” the

document declares. “Adequate and consistent financial support must be delivered to vulnerable countries to adapt to the climate-related devastation that they are already experiencing.”

At the upcoming climate summit, “national governments will be requested to present more ambitious, high-quality climate plans involving government leaders, the private sector, and civil society,” the Vatican text states. “More than ever, the ethical imperative of climate inaction will be accentuated. This summit should remind us of the urgent need to take concrete action to recognize our reliance on a healthy planet and to work together for transformative change. Breitbart