Sunday, December 20, 2020

IN the NEWS - Zanchetta & Capella

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
"Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta is currently being tried in absentia in
Argentina. The bishop is accused by prosecutors of “’aggravated continuous sexual abuse’ of two seminarians as well as fraud and mismanagement of funds.

Zanchetta was invited by Pope Francis to live and work in the Vatican in December 2017 even though the bishop was “forced to resign” as head of the diocese of Oran the previous summer due to “numerous complaints about economic mismanagement,” the Argentine press reported. Nevertheless, the pope appointed Zanchetta as an official of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA). APSA manages the Vatican’s financial assets and acts as the central treasury.

Pope Francis also protected Msgr. Carlo Capella, a diplomat

posted in 2016 to the Vatican’s Washington D.C. embassy. Capella was recalled to the Vatican after the U.S. State Department asked the Holy See to lift Capella’s diplomatic immunity in 2017 so that he could be tried in the U.S. for possession of child pornography. The request was denied. Capella was also the subject of a Canadian warrant accusing him of “accessing, possessing and distributing child pornography.”

Capella was tried and convicted of possession of child pornography inside the Vatican and given a five-year sentence of confinement in the Vatican City barracks, no doubt better than an American or Canadian prison and no one to verify that the sentence is being carried out." OT