Sunday, December 20, 2020

IN the NEWS - Leftists Want Witholding Vaccine for Ethnic Cleansing?

 More Race Baiting Hate from a Self Hating Caucasian Biden Voting Leftist.....using withholding COVID Vaccination as a sort of low level ethnic cleansing.
 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth... 
Acts 17:26
 "An 'expert' in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania says old people shouldn't receive COVID-19 vaccinations first because they're too white, and society needs to start 'leveling the playing field.'
The anti-white commentary comes as a federal panel of vaccination experts is set to hold emergency talks over the weekend to discuss who should be the next group to receive vaccinations after healthcare workers in high-risk roles.
Schmidt backpedaled on Friday, tweeting that he "never espoused
race-only prioritization,
" but then immediately doubled down by saying that "Vaccinating all healthy people 65+ before essential workers is likely to make racial and economic disparities worse."
In short, don't vaccinate those most likely to die first because there are so many white people in that group." SumitNews