Monday, November 23, 2020

Papal Notes - Another Interpretation of this "art work"

 Alright, here's ANOTHER possible interpretation of the so-called "9th hour" art work....just saying...
And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; Rev. 16:1
"Pope John Paul II lies sprawling across a ceremonial red carpet, still clutching his ceremonial papal cross, struck down by a meteorite. As
the sculptor Maurizio Cattelan explained, La Nona Ora (“The Ninth Hour”), first exhibited in 1999, represents the Holy Father crushed by the sins of the world.
The title of the work alludes to the moment when Christ cries out : "Why have you forsaken me ? " and dies on the cross.  
The work has been interpreted in various ways. Some read it as a comment on the Catholic Church’s reputation for harboring scandal
beneath its moral surface. Others have seen it as suggesting that even the most established seats of power can become vulnerable.
This piece caused the director of the Warsaw National Gallery of Art to lose her job when it was shown there. According to curator Nancy Spector people reacted violently: "In Warsaw, actually, members of Parliament actually went in when it was on exhibit and tried to right the figure, to pick up the figure and
somehow rectify the situation