Monday, November 23, 2020

IN the NEWS - Biblical Scholar Omar says "Matthews"

 This what happens when POLITICIANS miaquote the Bible they don't know and/or despise for Political reasons...

"Which side is the celebrated and ever-winsome Rep. Ilhan Omar
(D-Mogadishu) really on? She showed us again Wednesday evening.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) tweeted a video of the radical Leftist Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock with the comment: “Not shocked #Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock said ‘You cannot serve God and the military’ at the same time. These & even crazier things is what the radicals who control the Democratic party’s activist & small dollar donor base believe.”


Omar immediately rushed to Warnock’s defense, tweeting: “Mathews [sic] 6:24 ‘No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and dmoney [sic]."

The Muslim Biblical scholar was correct that in the Gospel of Matthew (not “Mathews,” as she called it), Jesus says “You cannot serve both God and money.” However, Warnock’s extrapolation of this into a prohibition on Christians serving in the U.S. military is tendentious at best and leads inevitably to questions about the motives of someone who would suggest such a thing. 


While there was a controversy in the early days of Christianity about whether a Christian could serve in the military of the Roman Empire, it was settled centuries ago, and no Christian sect with the exception of the small groups that are strictly pacifist has ever said that it was un-Christian to serve in the U.S. military. This is yet another indication of where Ilhan Omar’s sentiments truly lie, for were her words heeded and Christians streamed out of the military of this country, our armed forces and the country as a whole would be drastically weakened." PJMedia