Tuesday, November 10, 2020

IN the NEWS - Light of the Shining City on a Hill Fading

"I have quoted John Winthrop's words more than once on the campaign trail this year—for I believe that Americans in 1980 are every bit as committed to that vision of a shining "city on a hill," as were those long ago settlers ... These visitors to that city on the Potomac do not come as white or black, red or yellow; they are not Jews or Christians; conservatives or liberals; or Democrats or Republicans. They are Americans awed by what has gone before, proud of what for them is still… a shining city on a hill."
Ronald Reagan 
 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 Timothy 3:1
I've never seen this in America. Truly Dark Days when one political party wants to use the Powers of Government to HURT PEOPLE just because they beat them in an election 4 years ago. Isn't this what Marxist Totalitarian Authoritarian Governments Do?...HURT CITIZENS who hold a different political perspective than those in power do?

"In the ongoing wake of the hotly contested, unresolved presidential
election, leftist Democrats — including prominent journalists, pundits, and congressmen — have publicly declared their intent to exact crushing revenge on Trump-supporters.
Their calls have taken on a threatening, violent tone, reminiscent of the physical violence that anarchist groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter inflicted on cities large and small across the country this past summer.
Any [Republican] now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society,” said Rubin previously in a tweet.

We have a list,” she added.

When Ocasio-Cortez asked if anyone is “archiving” Trump-
supporters, former Barack Obama staffer Michael Simon responded in a now deleted tweet, “Yes, we are.”
He then announced, “The Trump Accountability Project (@trumpaccproject) Every Administration staffer, campaign staffer, bundler, lawyer who represented them — everyone.
We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda,” blares a headline on the opening page of the Trump Accountability Project.
 We should not allow the following groups of people to profit from their experience:
  • Those who elected him;
  • Those who staffed his government;
  • Those who funded him.

The organization behind the Trump Accountability Project is “made

up of former Obama officials, prominent journalists, and present members of Congress among others, that is threatening Trump supporters, Adm. staffers, judges, bundlers, etc., etc.,” wrote former Fox News journalist Doug McKelway on Facebook.

Responding to Ocasio-Cortez urging to make lists of Trump-supporters, actor James Woods wrote:

I understand you’re an ignorant ....who’s never had a passing acquaintance with a history book, but political lists are EXACTLY what Communists do. Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro. So put me at the top of your list....I’d be honored." Doug Mainwaring/Lifesite