Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Creation Moment 11/11/2020 - Big Science Memo to Biden

"Expecting that a president Biden would do their bidding, Nature
published a “Memo for President Biden: Five steps to getting more from science.” The subtitle threatens a major reversal of President Trump’s presumed ‘anti-science’ policies: ... Here are their five steps:
  1. Let an oft-overlooked White House office lead the pandemic response. To all the leftists, Trump blew the response to the China coronavirus, even though the first vaccine has just been announced 5 days after the election, and in record time (7
    months instead of four years, due to Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed”). Big Science wants a leadership of their liking – one they can control, even if the office recommends lengthy economy-crippling shutdowns. They claim that Trump’s pandemic response team lacked “congressional oversight.” But of course; they were too busy trying to impeach him when the virus came to America, as he was taking bold actions to hinder its damage. 
  2. Make advisory offices more independent. ...this step tries to insulate a sitting president from setting policy based on the will of the people who elected him. In practical terms, it means giving Big Science and the consensus more control of science
  3. Expedite scientific integrity legislation. A closer look at Nature‘s advice, though, uncovers more of a power grab by Big Science: “Several proposals exist that would promote scientific integrity, protect agency officials and strengthen the ability of Congress to keep the executive branch in check.” Every president has the right to put people in his Cabinet that agree with his positions. Big Science’s plan is to put consensus-faithful directors in executive cabinet positions and insulate them from presidential hiring or firing authority.
  4. Give public universities tough love and lots of support. Ah yes; the universities. Nature loves American universities ... Their
    eyes gleam with the thought of a president Biden loving these Democrat power centers and giving them lots of taxpayer money to do whatever they want, including harvesting baby body parts from abortions, cloning human embryos, and writing endless papers on climate change. More money will undoubtedly include maintaining Darwin-only philosophy, resulting in more persecution of Darwin doubters.
  5. Refocus science funding. Yes; send lots of money for more research on climate change, green energy, social equality, and Darwinism. Big Science prides itself on how much money it can grab from taxpayers’ pockets. Any reduction is deemed “anti-science” in their view. .. Long gone are the days of independent research or projects funded by philanthropists. Big Science calls taxpayer money “Mine!” and calls anybody who doesn’t want them taking so much “Anti-science!”
Interesting that Nature takes a strong stand on “integrity” when
they think integrity evolved by natural selection. To a consistent Darwinian, integrity-speak is simply a strategy for increasing fitness, which translates into social and political power. But if integrity is an evolutionary strategy, it no longer has any truth content or ethical content. It’s just a tactic for getting what the individual or group wants in order to increase their offspring. In the big picture, it’s not even about getting what they want. It’s about the genes treating the organisms as their puppets. And who knows why mindless genes would even wish to do such a thing."
 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel... Galatians 1:6