Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Harmony in Law & Gospel - in Christ & the Father

 "The Father and the Son were one in man's creation, and in his redemption. Said the Father to the Son, "Let us make man in our image." (Gen. 1:26)
 --Jesus prayed that his disciples might be one as he was one with his
*This prayer did not contemplate one disciple with twelve heads, but twelve disciples, made one in object and effort in the cause of their master. 
--...the Father and the Son ....are two distinct beings, yet one in the design and accomplishment of redemption. 
*The redeemed, from the first who shares in the great redemption, to the last, all ascribe the honor, and glory, and praise, of their salvation, to both God and the Lamb.

-*-But if it be true that the law of the Father and the gospel of the Son are opposed to each other, that one was to take the place of the other, then it follows that those saved in the former dispensation are saved by the Father and the law, while those of the present dispensation are saved by Christ and the gospel. And in this case, when the redeemed shall reach Heaven, at last, and their redemption shall be sung, two songs will be heard, one ascribing praise to God and the law, the other singing the praises of Christ and the gospel.

This will not be. There will be harmony in that song of redemption. All the redeemed will sing the facts as they have existed during the period of man's probation."
James White