Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Creation Moment - The Sum of Creation

 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work...
Exodus 20:10
"God created the world and gave existence to man upon it. 

To him He gave life and breath, and all things. 
---Man therefore owes everything to God. 
Every faculty of his mind, every power of his being, all his strength and all his time belong of right to the Creator
*It was therefore the benevolence of the Creator that gave to man six days for his own wants. 
*And in setting apart the seventh day to a holy use in memory of His own rest, the Most High was reserving unto Himself one of the seven days, when he could rightly claim all as His. 
-*-The six days therefore are the gift of God to man, to be rightly employed in secular affairs, not the seventh day, the gift of man to God
The fourth Commandment, therefore, does not require man to give something of his own to God, but it does require that man should not appropriate to himself that which God has reserved for His own worship. 
To observe this day then is to render to God of the things that are His; to appropriate it to ourselves is simply to rob God."
J.N. Andrews