Friday, November 6, 2020

Creation Moment 11/7/2020 - Dude Makes Good Observation about his 1954 Pic

 Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things.... Isaiah 44:24
"Below is a picture of three children in the 1950s. 
One of them is me, the other two are not. I saw the world from inside
one of these children. I saw every picture that entered through his eyes, I heard every sound that entered through his ears, and when he fell on the sidewalk, I felt his pain.
How did I end up inside one of these children
This is a question that rarely seems to trouble evolutionists. They talk about human evolution as if they were outside observers and never seem to wonder how they got inside one of the animals they are studying. 
They consider that human brains are just complicated computers, and so to explain how we got here they just have to explain how those mechanical brains evolved. But even if they could explain how animals with mechanical brains evolved out of the primeval slime, that would leave the most important question — the one evolutionists never seem to even wonder about — still unsolved: How did I get inside one of those children?"
Granville Sewell/EvolutionNewsAndViews