Thursday, October 29, 2020

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Stalks France via "Allah akbar"

 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. 
John 8:44
"French police “neutralized” and arrested a man Thursday morning after a knife attack inside a church in the city of Nice which left at least three dead and several injured.
Update 1210 GMT — the victim was “almost beheaded

Of the three dead in Thursday’s Nice attack, two victims were women and one was a man. One of those women, we now know was killed next to the font of the Notre Dame church, French media reporting she was nearly completely beheaded — a development from earlier reports that stated a throat had been “cut”. The man who died was also killed inside the church was a server or sacristan.

Another woman who was stabbed several times managed to escape the church but succumbed to her injuries outside. French media is now widely reporting that the attacker did shout “Allah akbar” as he struck, in line with the earlier comments of the mayor of Nice.

Update 1145 GMT — Police shoot ‘Allah Akbar’ Gunman dead in a separate incident 

A second, separate incident has taken place in the French city of Avignon. Police shot dead an “Allah Akbar” shouting gunman during an exchange of fire, but there have been no other reported injuries. Police have not yet declared the incident a terror attack." Breitbart