Thursday, October 29, 2020

IN the NEWS - Oprah's "spiritual guru" Williamson doesn't know what's in the Bible

"Former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson
justified another night of riots and looting in Philadelphia by claiming that there’s nothing in the Bible which tells people not to steal.

Yes, really.

Numerous stores were trashed and looted while police officers were attacked again in response to the shooting of Walter Wallace Jr., who was killed after advancing towards officers with a knife.

 Responding to the looting, Williamson took to Twitter to declare,

There are people in this country more concerned about a Walmart being looted than about an innocent man being killed. Many of them tout the Bible, but “Thou shall not loot” is not in there. “Thou shalt not kill” sure is.”
Apparently, Williamson is unaware of the Ten Commandments, one
of which literally states, “Thou shalt not steal. Ex.29:15

Apparently, the ‘priority’ for many in Philly over the last two nights has been to secure some fresh new Jordans from Footlocker and whatever was left to loot at Walmart.

All in the name of “justice” and Black Lives Matter, of course." NewsWars