Friday, September 4, 2020

Where the Gospel Rays Radiate

 Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?
Psalm 77:13

"There is no other subject which so fully unites all parts of the inspired Word into one harmonious whole, as the subject of the sanctuary.

Every gospel truth centers in the sanctuary service,
and radiates from it like the rays from the sun.

---Every type used in the entire sacrificial system was designed by God to bear resemblance to some spiritual truth.

The value of these types consisted in the fact that they were chosen by God Himself to shadow forth the different phases of the complete plan of redemption, made possible by the death of Christ.

The likeness between type and antitype is never accidental, but is simply a fulfillment of the great plan of God."
Stephen Haskell