Saturday, September 5, 2020

Creation Moment 9/6/2020 - Adam & the Sabbath

And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
Genesis 5:5

"The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord.
The acts which constituted it such were,
first, the example of the Creator;
secondly, his placing his blessing upon the day;
and thirdly, the sanctification or divine appointment of the day to a holy use.

The Sabbath, therefore, dates from the beginning of our world's history.
The first who Sabbatized on the seventh day is God the Creator;
and the first seventh day of time is the day which he thus honored.

The patriarchs could not possibly have been ignorant of the facts and the obligation which the fourth commandment shows to have originated in the beginning, for Adam was present with them for a period equal to more than half the Christian dispensation. Those, therefore, who walked with God in the observance of his commandments did certainly hallow his Sabbath.
The observers of the seventh day must therefore include the ancient godly patriarchs, and none will deny that they include also the prophets and the apostles. Indeed, the entire church of God embraced within the records of inspiration were Sabbath-keepers. To this number must be added the Son of God."
J.N. Andrews