Saturday, September 19, 2020

What the Eurasian Landmass Tells us about the Flood

And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat. Genesis 8:4

".....the Ark was stranded in the second highest complex of

mountains in the Eastern Hemisphere, an area second in elevation only to the Mighty Himalayas and its associated ranges. 

This interior region of Eurasia has been termed by early political geographers as the "Heartland" region of the Eastern Hemisphere.

Consider, therefore, the broadness of the Flood. 
The Eurasian land mass is the largest one on the face of our planet. 
It comprises about 57% of the land area of the world, including its African appendage. 
The Ark was grounded in the heart of this region: 
--about 2,000 miles from the Arabian Sea, an arm of the Indian Ocean; 
--about 2,500 miles from the Barents Sea, an arm of the Arctic Ocean; 
--some 3,000 miles from the Atlantic Ocean; 
--and some 5,000 miles from the Pacific Ocean.

The fact that the Ark was grounded in this heartland location similarly attests to the perspective that the Flood was tidal in nature. Had the Flood been caused by atmospheric precipitation, the Ark would have been floated downward and in response solely to the gravity of the Earth. Furthermore, any rain which fell would have been concentrated in maritime regions."