Saturday, September 19, 2020

Cavitation (Bubble Collapse) & Global Flood

"Little wonder then that fast-flowing water can cut through solid concrete in dam tunnels—as happened at Glen Canyon Dam in

1983. Unexpected flood rains put such pressure on the dam’s tunnel spillways that after a few days a slight rumbling and vibration began to be felt in the abutments and the dam itself.

With no letup in the rain, Glen
Canyon Dam
levels rose further, and the discharge from one of the spillway tunnels “was turning the whole river below the dam [into] a distinct amber color.’ As one analysis of the event put it: ‘Navajo sandstone was being excavated from within the dam abutment like soil before a placer miner’s hydraulic nozzle.”

The US Department of Interior later reported that it was cavitation
that had started the damage, followed by dramatically increasing mechanical erosion. ....
cavitation expert Dr. Edmund Holroyd, who is also a creationist, he told us of his strong belief that “cavitation is very important in helping us understand how massive erosion would have taken place in the early stages of the [Genesis] Flood”. Dr. Holroyd was only too familiar with the potential destructiveness of cavitating water:
When water less than 10 metres deep is flowing at very high speed

(say 30 metres a second) and goes over a bump, it can turn into
water vapor via the formation of tiny bubbles. These collapse again when the pressure is restored, and they do so at a supersonic speed which creates shock waves with incredible pressures. This pulverizes the surface right next to where the bubbles are collapsing, so it can ‘eat’ rock surfaces away much, much more quickly than normal erosion. In the laboratory, such cavitating water will even rapidly ‘eat’ a steel surface

Given the destructive power of rushing water, can you imagine the legacy of the global Flood
First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. … But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 2 Peter 3:3–6" CMI