Monday, September 14, 2020

The Rot of Christendom on Display

"The contemporary Christian church, this rotten, anti-black, anti-
God, anti-American, anti-human organization is now being promoted on church billboards; its talking points are being trumpeted from pulpits; and pathetic caucasian "Christians" who have never committed a single act of racial discrimination in their entire lives are publicly confessing sins they've never committed, and never would.

They're even tacitly accepting the Marxist, anti-Christian designation of race as an insuperable constraint on identity by apologizing for the color of their skin, on grounds their ancestors of the same color might have once done something racist.

In sum, Christian America is in such a bad state, it can't even summon the strength or clarity to see through, let alone reject, the patently deceptive and patently destructive Black Lives Matter.'s not the first time something like this has happened.

--When the feminists showed up, Christians began pretending I Corinthians 14: 34-35, and Ephesians 5: 23-24 no longer existed.

--When out-of-wedlock sex became more socially acceptable, Christians began pretending 1 Corinthians 6:9 no longer existed.

--When divorce laws loosened, Christians began pretending Matthew 19:9 no longer existed.

--When gay guys showed up demanding to be married in church, Christians began pretending 1 Timothy 1: 9-10 and Romans 1: 26-27 no longer existed.

--And now, when an organization shows up actively trying to subvert the forthcoming election, cheering on murders, beating
people up, falsely accusing people, inviting demonic possession so as to more effectively impose the Satanic ideology of Marxism, and browbeating the very religion which started the abolitionist and civil rights movements in the first place...again, Christians cave, and accommodate, and seek approval, and do everything except stick to their own principles, if they can even remember what those are supposed to be.

Every time the culture advances, the church shrinks in response. Always."
Tal Bachman
For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:5