Monday, September 14, 2020

Creation Moment 9/15/2020 - Neural Network Now?

 The only so-called "neural network" we might stem from would be the Mind of God...but clearly this theory is just another attempt to void reality and take God out of the equation...though the universe may be all interconnected in some strange way we don't understand at the sub-atomic's NOT in some pseudo scientific mystical new age nonsensical way. Mankind is  Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7

"....a physics professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth named Vitaly Vanchurin attempts to reframe reality in a
particularly eye-opening way - suggesting that we’re living inside a massive neural network that governs everything around us.
In other words, he wrote in the paper, it’s a “possibility that the entire universe on its most fundamental level is a neural network.”

For years, physicists have attempted to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity.
---The first posits that time is universal and absolute,
---while the latter argues that time is relative, linked to the fabric of space-time.

I need to ask: would this theory mean we’re living in a simulation?
No, we live in a neural network, but we might never know the difference."