Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The left is still not satisfied

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom....
Psalm 111:10

"The left gave us the “sexual revolution”, which was meant to bring liberation and joy. That did not happen. 
The sexual revolution has brought us unspeakable misery. It has brought us bondage. 
It brought us 
unlimited pornography
unlimited abortion rights, 
promiscuous sex outside of marriage
anything-goes marriages, 
anything-goes families, 
gender confusion
and celebration of all forms of deviant sexuality
The radicalized leftists are now either promoting, or are considering, the legalization of prostitution, polygamous marriages, relaxing laws involving incest, and relaxing laws protecting children
The left’s insatiable sexual appetite has brought us broken
marriages, broken families, broken cities, and broken institutions
. Lastly, anything-goes sexuality has profoundly broken our relationship with God.  
The Democratic Party seems to be best characterized as the party of anything-goes sexuality – regardless of human cost.
The left lit up the Democratic White House with rainbow colors in celebration, when the Supreme Court dictated anything-goes marriage. 
New York’s Democratic governor lit up the the George Washington Bridge, celebrating anything-goes full-term abortion
The left is still not satisfied. 
--They want to legalize prostitution, 
--and they would teach every child to experiment with deviant sexual behaviors at very early ages. 
They would do their best to promote gender confusion in every child. The left will never be satisfied until America looks just like Sodom and Gomorrah."
John Sanford, PhD, Cornell University