Monday, September 21, 2020

Papal Notes - Francis Pushes DISHONEST New Gospel

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that 
called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.
Galatians 1:6
"Pope Francis ratcheted up his climate change alarmism to
apocalyptic levels at his Wednesday public audience, warning that "two great glaciers in Antarctica near the Amundsen Sea" are "about to fall."
 Claiming he had just read about the imminent catastrophic collapse of the glaciers in the newspaper, Francis repeated his now-familiar refrain: "God always forgives; we sometimes forgive; nature never forgives."
 However, of the many papers published in scientific journals on the melting glaciers, none of them attribute the cause to global warming, Church Militant has learned.

....., journalist James Delingpole, who helped expose the "Climategate scandal," lambasted the pope for "embracing paganism — specifically Gaia worship — and left-wing politics."

"But there's no evidence here that he understands science," lamented Delingpole, author of The Little Green Book of Eco-Fascism: The Left's Plan to Frighten Your Kids, Drive Up Energy Costs and Hike Your Taxes.  

"Under West Antarctica's ice sheet is the largest volcanic region on earth with nearly 100 volcanoes, some nearly 4000 meters high. What effect does Francis think molten lava and fumaroles will have on an ice sheet? Does he believe volcanoes are somehow a consequence of Western industrial civilization?" Delingpole asked.

Two other scientific papers published last week in the journal

Cryosphere, which were based on a 2019 expedition to the glaciers, also did not attribute the cause of the melting to global warming.

A 2002 study published by the International Glaciological Society reported the retreat of the ice but concluded that their observations "were not sufficient to determine the cause of the changes." The study did not mention anthropogenic global warming." CM