Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Puritan Corner - "devil's logic"

To sin because mercy abounds, is the devil’s logic.
by Thomas Watson (1620-1686) 
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance... Ephesians 6:18

What does Matt. 5:21,22 Actually Mean?

"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill, and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment, but I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without cause [the Revised Version leaves out "without cause"] shall be in danger of the judgment, and whosoever shall say to his brother, Vain fellow, shall be in danger of the council, but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

A man who goes so far as to think of another that he is a fool and
decides the question that he is a fool and then passes the sentence in words, "Thou fool," has committed murder, and the only thing that waits for him is hell fire.

Q: But what is the Savior talking about? 
A: He is teaching them what it means when it says, "Thou shalt not kill." And when God said, "Thou shalt not kill," He forbade the thinking of a thought or the speaking of a word which if carried out to its utmost possible limit, could lead to killing or to doing harm."
A.T. Jones/Mathew 5:21,22

Creation Moment 9/30/2020 - Design of Emotional Equilibrium

 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.... Psalm 139:14

"Navigating through life requires balancing emotion and reason, a feat accomplished by the brain region “area 32” of the anterior cingulate cortex. The area maintains emotional equilibrium by relaying information between cognitive and emotional brain regions, according to new research in monkeys published
in JNeurosci.
Emotional balance goes haywire in mood disorders like depression, leading to unchecked negative emotions and an inability to break out of rumination. In fact, people with depression often have an overactive area 25, a region involved in emotional expression. Healthy emotional regulation requires communication between cognitive regions, like the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and emotion regions, like area 25, also known as the subgenual cortex. But because these two areas are weakly connected, there must be a middleman involved.
Area 32 connects to every layer of area 25, positioning it as a powerful regulator of area 25 activity. In healthy brains, the DLPFC signals to area 32 to balance area 25 activity, allowing emotional equilibrium. But in depression, silence from the DLPFC results in too much area 25 activity and out-of-control emotional processing." 

SDA News- The Glass Fire

"It is called the GlassFire, and it raged through Saint Helena and part of the Napa Valley over the last few days, causing Adventists to
worry about the safety of one of the most iconic historic landmarks in Adventism—Elmshaven. Elmshaven is the previous west coast home of Ellen G. White..Elmshaven was spared.
Sadly, the Foothills SDA Elementary School was not. 
It burned to the ground.
The Glass Fire, along with the nearby Boysen and Shady fires, combined to threaten thousands of homes from Santa Rosa in Sonoma County to St. Helena and Calistoga in Napa County. 
It was unclear Monday how the fire started."
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,  though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.
Psalm 46:1-3

Monday, September 28, 2020

Why Confusion on the Covenants?

"Q: Why are the old and the new covenants a mystery to many
A: Because most have assumed that the old covenant was God's way of saving people during the Old Testament and the new covenant was God's means of saving people during the New Testament
This confusion, combined with humanity's natural disposition toward ceremonialism (making the symbol the means rather than the expression of faith), has led to the notion of a covenantal dispensationalism in which the gospel is distorted.

The everlasting covenant is the same as the new covenant. It is the good news of the gospel. Christ crucified is the sinner's representative, Substitute, and Surety. The sinner is unable in his own power to fulfill his obligations regarding the law. Christ, the Surety of the covenant, fulfilled the righteousness of the law on behalf of the sinner, as his representative Substitute. as his representative Substitute.

--The restoration of what man lost is complete, is sure, already in Christ. 
--Now every man, woman, and child can by faith experience Calvary at Sinai- as the great law of love, the Ten Commandments, is written on their hearts by the One who has fulfilled His everlasting covenant in and through Christ." PaulPenno

Papal Notes - Francis "Desire"

 ....even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.  
Daniel 7:20
"Although Ayuso emphasized that he hasn’t yet read the new
encyclical, titled Fratelli Tutti and dedicated to the theme of human fraternity, he said he hopes it won’t be subject to the same political spin as Francis’s last encyclical, Laudato si’, in 2016.
The day Laudato Si’ was published, the pope came here to our office to meet with us,” he said. “The meeting was at 11:15 a.m. We talked with him, and at the end we said, ‘This new ‘ecological’ encyclical, this ‘green’ encyclical, as people were saying, is about to come out at noon.
He said to us, ‘Green’? ‘Ecological’? Why? My desire is nothing
more than to reawaken in the Church and the world the social doctrine of the Church

Creation Moment 9/29/2020 - Hey Charles......

  Hey Charles.....that's why 
they are called "M-I-R-A-C-L-E-S".....
But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him...
John 12:37
"The clearest evidence would be requisite [required] to make any sane
man believe in the
miracles by which Christianity is supported, -- that the more we know of the fixed laws of nature the more incredible do the miracles become."

 CHARLES DARWIN (1876) (In Barlow 1958, 86)

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Plate Tectonics

...the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11

"Tang and his coauthors created a 3-D spherical model that shows
the development of massive rifts in the crust due to thermal expansion. They believe these rifts originated about a billion years after Earth formed through the heating of the lithosphere (the tectonic plate) by the hotter mantle below. In their model, this thermal expansion caused rifting into separate plates.
Q: But did they really solve the origin of the tectonic plates
Their model merely showed that cracks could develop under the conditions that they established. It is highly unlikely this was the way Earth’s plates originated. 
Q: If so, why didn’t similar-sized planets, like Venus and Mars, develop massive rifts—and eventually plates—as well?

And their model also fails to explain how the subduction process—when one tectonic plate is pulled under another—began and even how plate motion was initiated. Tang and his colleagues wrote:

The initiation of a global network of rifts, as modeled here, is distinct from plate tectonics because plate tectonics includes creation of new lithosphere at rifts and destruction of old lithosphere at subduction zones. Absent an expanding Earth hypothesis, a global rift network is unsustainable: Earth’s surface cannot extend without balancing contraction [subduction].

It all comes down to worldview. 
Most of the secular community denies the account of the global Flood as described in Genesis. They have had to create a
narrative—a fictional story—to try and explain the tectonic plates we observe today.

In contrast, God has told us that the Flood began with the bursting of the fountains of the great deep in Genesis 7:11.
---It seems most likely that this initiated the plates on Earth. -Movement of these newly formed plates destroyed the original ocean crust through subduction and created an entirely new seafloor. 
This new, hot and lower-density ocean crust pushed the water of the ocean higher and higher until the entire earth was covered with water. 
---Today, we merely see the residual effects of this rapid and catastrophic activity."

Questions on Your Death & the Sabbath

"You say you cannot live if you keep the Sabbath. 

Q: Are you sure that you can if you do not keep it? 
Q: Have you any guarantee that your life will be continued indefinitely? 
Q: Do those who violate God's law live any longer on an average than those who keep it? 
You certainly know of no one who is not subject to death. 
The psalmist says: "What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave?" (Ps. 89:48) ...... and this without any distinction in regard to age or belief. 
Q: Then why do you assume that you will be exempt if you do not keep the Sabbath?"

Papal Notes - Francis to U.N.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
"On Friday, September 25, 2020, Pope Francis addressed the UN General Assembly and called upon the international community to
be courageous and use its financial and technological resources to combat the climate crisis. 
The Pope told world leaders that they have not complied with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

The Pope is working overtime to reshape the political landscape for the entire civilized world.  
Pope Francis emphasized solidarity among the nations to meet the climate change crisis. 
The handwriting is on the wall. 
Prophetic events are taking shape."
"They will point to calamities on land and sea—to the storms of wind, the floods, the earthquakes, the destruction by fire—as judgments indicating God’s displeasure because Sunday is not sacredly observed. These calamities will increase more and more, one disaster will follow close upon the heels of another.” Signs of the Times, January 17, 1884 par. 14 E.G.W.

Creation Moment 9/28/2020 - Baartman Saga

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 1 Corinthians 3:19

"Saartjie (Sara) Baartman (c. 1789 –1815) was the best-known South African woman exhibited as a “missing link” under the name Hottentot Venus in 19th-century Europe. 
Baartman’s 20 some-year-old, 4-feet-10-inch-tall (147.3 cm) body was exploited by many leading scientists and others attempting to prove the evolutionary link between apes and humans.

 In 1810 she journeyed to England with her employer, William Dunlop, who supplied showmen in Britain with animals. For over four years visitors paid two shillings to gaze on her apelike body. 
Although Baartman died before Darwin published his famous book in 1859, evolution was widely believed by many intellectuals before then. Leading evolutionists included Charles’ paternal grandfather Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) and French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744 – 1829). Darwin’s achievement was mostly to  popularize the theory widely throughout the world.
The claims of a link between ape and modern man was used to prove not only evolution, but also race inferiority. 
Baartman was discussed in Arthur de Gobineau’s (1816 –1882) infamous racist book The Inequality of the Human Races. This book was especially influential in the American South and in Germany.
Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) was Europe’s most revered scientist and the founder and professor of the comparative anatomy department at the French Museum of Natural History. In the past, and even today, Cuvier remains a central figure in modern science, so central that “without Cuvier, Darwin may well not have discovered evolution.”
It was Cuvier who carefully examined Baartman in his search for scientific evidence of the missing link between apes and humans. When Baartman died in December of 1815, at the age of 26, Cuvier conducted a dissection to learn more about evolution. 
Cuvier’s display of her remains in the Paris “Museum of Man” in support of evolution was a chief attraction there for more than a century.
When talk of removing the Baartman exhibit began, French naturalist and close colleague of Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint Hilaire attempted to retain her corpse on the grounds that “for us she
remains a very important treasure
” of science and proof for evolution. 
Hilaire concluded that the Khoisan people, of which Baartman was a member, “were closer to the great apes than to humans,” solidifying the racists’ worldview that culminated in the Holocaust.
In spite of efforts to exploit her by claiming she was physically in-between apes and humans, those who knew her agreed she was a multitalented woman in spite of her sparse level of formal education. Cuvier, who had interviewed Baartman when she was alive, noted that she was intelligent, her memory was very good, and, in addition to her native tongue, she spoke fluent Dutch, passable English, and a smattering of French. 
Cuvier conceded that she was a skilled dancer, and possessed a very un-ape lively, gregarious personality.
The popular Baartman exhibit eventually elicited a chorus of complaints for degrading women. The skeleton was removed only in 1974, and her remains were returned to South Africa in 2002."

Saturday, September 26, 2020

A Spiritual Lesson from the Book of Nature

 "God's healing power runs all through nature
--If a tree is cut, if a human being is wounded or breaks a bone, nature begins at once to repair the injury. 
--Even before the need exists, the healing agencies are in readiness; and as soon as a part is wounded, every energy is bent to the work of
So it is in the spiritual realm
--Before sin created the need, God had provided the remedy. 
--Every soul that yields to temptation is wounded, bruised, by the adversary; but whenever there is sin, there is the Savior. 
It is Christ's work "to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, . . . to set at liberty them that are bruised." Luke 4:18."

SDA Issues: Adventist Health Lodi Memorial Hospital

"On September 23, 2020, Adventist Health Lodi Memorial Hospital
partnered with LangeTwins Family Winery in Lodi, California to distribute 400 gift boxes to all local nurses. Each gift box contained food, products and two bottles of fermented wine. That’s a total of 800 bottles. The LangeTwins Family Winery does not make or sell unfermented wine. All of their products contain between 12% and 19% alcohol.
The brand of wine given away by Adventist Health Lodi Memorial Hospital was the “2018 Chenin Blanc – Prince Vineyard.” 
These bottles contain a 12% alcohol content level, which is more than twice as much as regular beer. Beer contains around 5%.
 We used to vigorously preach abstinence. We used to preach temperance and oppose intoxicating drinks. We used to rebuke these great evils and call drunkards to repentance. Now, we are helping to distribute this deadly poison.
This Scripture pictures the work of those who manufacture and who sell intoxicating liquor. Their business means robbery. For the money they receive no useful equivalent is returned. Every dollar they add to their gains has brought a curse to the spender. Every year millions upon millions of gallons of intoxicating liquors are consumed. Millions upon millions of dollars are spent in buying wretchedness, poverty, disease, degradation, lust, crime, and death. For the sake of gain, the liquor dealer deals out to his victims that which corrupts and destroys mind and body. He entails on the drunkard’s family poverty and wretchedness” (Temperance, p. 28).
What a terrible account liquor sellers will have to meet in the great day of God! In the books of heaven a record is kept of every tempting glass held out by man to his fellow-man, to forge the chains of an appetite which makes him mad(Signs of the Times, July 4, 1900).

The sad reality is that we are now in partnership with the “manufacturers of intoxicating” drinks. We have some worthless leaders who are in bed with the alcohol industry while running our institutions. How is this even possible?" AdventMessenger

 And now, O ye priests,
 this commandment is for you.
 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.  
Malachi 2:1, 2

IN the NEWS - More than one kinda False Prophet

Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! 
for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
Luke 6:26
"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the 2020 U.N. General Assembly on Friday that the world is in crisis, “not just because of
the last few months
” and the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, but “because of the last few decades, and because of us.” 
Trudeau’s gloomy speech portrayed the world as teetering on the abyss, with “not a big chance, but a chance” to come together through multilateral organizations and save the future.
Trudeau cited the “climate reckoning” as the paramount example of a challenge that requires internationalist, multilateralist solutions."

Creation Moment 9/27/2020 - You now have a "MAP" for it....

 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.... Psalm 139:14
You have now a "MAP" for your heart...really think something of that kind of detail evolved from nothing at one point? And how would, whatever first needed something like a heart, survive if it wasn't FULLY operational?

"A multinational team of scientists have created a detailed cellular and molecular map of six anatomical adult heart regions.

The researchers used a high-throughput sequencing method to define individual characteristics of every heart cell.
They then mapped those cells in six regions of 14 healthy donor hearts, seven from men and seven from women.
They also analyzed RNA levels of heart cells using fluorescent markers to glean molecular details of their function.
Identifying not only where cells are, but which proteins they’re producing, will be a particular boon for research,” Dr. Mann said.
For instance, by comparing cells in diseased hearts to those in healthy hearts using the atlas, researchers might pinpoint differences and target new therapies for heart disease.
Though the team studied a relatively small group of hearts, the new atlas revealed some biological surprises.
The six areas of the heart contained 11 different cell types and the authors discovered more than 62 different cell subtypes, which had never been seen before in this detail.
They also uncovered differences between the healthy hearts of males and females; females had a greater proportion of heart muscle cells, called cardiomyocytes, than males.
 “We used data from the heart cell atlas to map the cardiac cells that can be potentially infected by SARS-CoV-2 and found that specialized cells of the small blood vessels are also virus targets.”

Friday, September 25, 2020

Health Note - Death by Licorice?

 I wish above all things that thou mayest .... be in health...
3 John 1:2
"A Massachusetts construction worker died after eating bags of
black licorice for an extended period of time, which caused his heart to stop,
according to The Associated Press.
The 54-year-old ate a bag and a half every day for a few weeks, which created an imbalance in vital nutrients and affected his blood pressure. He was eating in a fast-food restaurant when he gasped and lost consciousness.
Doctors found that he had low potassium levels and heart rhythm issues.
Even a small amount of licorice you eat can increase your blood pressure a little bit,” Neel Butala, MD told the AP.
 Some black licorice contains glycyrrhizin, which is the sweetener derived from licorice root. 
It can create imbalances in electrolytes and low potassium levels, according to the FDA, as well as high blood pressure, swelling, lethargy, and heart failure. 
Eating 2 ounces of black licorice a day for 2 weeks can cause heart rhythm problems, the FDA says, particularly for people over age 40.
It’s more than licorice sticks. It could be jelly beans, licorice teas, a lot of things over the counter. Even some beers, like Belgian beers, have this compound in it,” Robert Eckel, MD, a university of Colorado cardiologist, told the AP."

You Were - Built for Prayer?

It is written, 
My house shall be called the house of prayer
Matthew 21:13 
know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you...
1 Corinthians 6:19

Creation Moment 9/26/2020 - {Sabbath}

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it... Genesis 2:1-3

"Evolution cannot account for either the seven-day week or the
How could any such concept have ‘evolved’ or come from the contemplation of man’s own mind? 
It tells us something about what kind of God our Creator is also."

Thursday, September 24, 2020

IN the NEWS - Some Matt.13:22 in Siberia

For false Christs and false prophets shall rise... Matthew 13:22
Jesus of Siberia,’ cult leader ‘Vissarion’ found in possession of weapons, cash, jewellery, & adult toys during police raid

"When cops busted Siberia’s answer to Christ this week, they discovered plenty of items unbecoming of a self-proclaimed ‘Son of God.’ 

Officers found weapons, money and even adult toys in the sect leader’s stash of worldly goods.
The haul was uncovered at the cult’s compound in Siberia’s Krasnoyarsk Region, as contemporary ‘Messiah’ Sergey Torop was being arrested and charged with “creating a religious association whose activities involve violence against citizens.” 

Two other members of the sect were arrested alongside its founder on Tuesday, on suspicion of causing “serious harm” to their followers.

During Tuesday’s raid, police found a hoard of empty and full alcohol bottles, jewelry, weapons, adult toys, and a stash of money, held in rubles, dollars and euro.

Established in 1991, the movement forbids its adherents from
smoking, drinking or exchanging money, and they live as vegetarian subsistence farmers. The movement's creator, Torop, a former traffic policeman, believes he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and brands himself as ‘Vissarion.’
 He has previously come to the attention of Russian police for corruption, and has been associated with various accounts of violence. One such anecdote alleges that a follower of the cult had committed suicide after selling all his property and being rejected by the group."

Falling Away

 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition... 2 Thessalonians 2:3

""It is certain that the ancient Sabbath did remain and was observed

(together with the celebration of the Lord's day) by the Christians of the East Church, above three hundred years after our Savior's death."
"A Learned Treatise of the Sabbath," p. 77

Note: By the "Lord's day" here the writer means Sunday and not the true Sabbath," which the Bible says is the Sabbath. This quotation shows Sunday coming into use in the early centuries soon after the death of the Apostles. Paul the Apostle foretold a great "falling away" from the Truth that would take place soon after his death" BibleSabbath

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Rocking Louisville to the Post Office

...foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.... Romans 1:31 ESV

"Two Louisville Metro Police Department officers were shot Wednesday evening in downtown Louisville amid protests after a
Kentucky grand jury did not bring murder charges against any of the officers involved in the shooting death of Breonna Taylor.
 They’ve got U-Hauls packed with pre-made signs and riot shields. This is organized and funded insurrection.
 Rioters took to the streets almost immediately after the announcement and one of their tactics was to set fires at the Hall of
Justice. Rioters began breaking windows as the march continued, the Daily Caller’s Shelby Talcott reported. A video showed people flipping tables and chairs, targeting local businesses. When a man came out to defend his business, he was immediately surrounded and rioters began attempting to smash windows.
 Taylor was shot by police officers serving a no-knock warrant during a drug investigation in March. The report said no drugs were found at the apartment and the suspect did not live there. The state Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who is black, said Taylor’s boyfriend shot at the officers and they were acting in self-defense. The cops also announced themselves before entering.
A Jefferson County grand jury indicted one of three police officers involved in Taylor’s shooting inside her Louisville apartment. The charges are connected to the firing of shots into the neighboring apartment. Former officer Brett Hankison was indicted on three counts of first-degree wanton endangerment.
Breonna Taylor’s death was tragic and likely avoidable, but she isn’t the real reason for the riots. She’s just another excuse to riot
presented by Neo-Marxist agitators who have been actively trying to burn down cities across America for months. These agitators don’t care about Breonna Taylor or no-knock warrants. They don’t even really care about police brutality or systemic racism despite pretending to be fighting both. Their only interest is using this tragedy to spark hatred, anarchy, and the long-awaited revolution they’ve been trying to initiate for years.
 Black Lives Matter will be at the forefront and Antifa will grab some headlines, but the people representing them on the streets are just pawns. Even most of the agitators are pawns to a higher and much more nefarious force. The agitators may know more about the plan than the useful idiots who will be the tip of the rioting spear, but only negligibly. 
They believe they are starting a revolution to bring about anarcho-communism and to take down hegemonic authority in all its forms. They are being misled. The revolution they’re really starting on the orders of their puppetmasters is one designed to destroy America, all of it, and all of their agitators’ goals will be tossed to the wayside if they’re successful. Again, they’re just pawns.
Politicizing by Fanning the Flames  by Irresponsible Comments
Presidential candidate Joe Biden said earlier this month the officers
need to be charged.”His running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, tweeted in June, “We can’t forget about Black women in our quest for justice.
Post Office
"Chicago postal workers have hinted that they could stop delivering
mail because some neighborhoods are just too dangerous. At least two Post Office employees were struck with gunfire in separate incidents, and a third was pelted with paintballs fired from a moving vehicle on a residential block."
"A Portland, Oregon, rioter reportedly threw a Molotov cocktail at a group of police officers on Wednesday night as law enforcement declared the demonstrations in the area a riot."
Washington D.C.
"At around 9 p.m., marchers began setting off fireworks near Black
Lives Matter Plaza. They called on people in high-rise apartment buildings to come join the action, chanting “Out of your homes and into the streets!”
Protesters were seen marching through the Adams Morgan streatery banging on tables and flipping them, as captured by WTOP reporter Alejandro Alvarez. 
The outlet also reported broken windows in Dupont Circle on Connecticut Avenue including Starbucks, PNC Bank and a Metrobus enclosure."
 "In Seattle protests of the Taylor decision were declared riots after demonstrators set fires and threw explosives at police."
"In Atlanta, police deployed chemical agents on a crowd after some tried to climb on top of a SWAT vehicle."
St. Petersburg
Aggressive BLM agitators continued their campaign of harassing people minding their own business at restaurants Wednesday night, this time taking over a couple’s table at an eatery in St. Petersburg, Florida and threatening them with violence.The video shows scores of agitators chanting “Stand up, fight back!” outside the restaurant, with several of the troublemakers then deciding to harass the elderly couple.
When the woman told the lead agitator “This is my table”, and attempted to remove him/her/them/it, she was called a “Karen” and told that the protesters would “knock your old-**s boyfriend the f**k out.”

Creation Moment 9/25/2020 - Hottentot

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth... Acts 17:26

When their Neo-Marxist -- Race Based Critical Theory--- Inadvertently causes them to admit...well...he he he....lol

"The term “Hottentot” comes from the Dutch who perceived the Hottentot South-African language of Khoekhoe primitive and ape-like, close to stuttering.

One critical example of the legacy of the “scientific racists” was museum exhibits, some of which remain to this day. One of many examples is found in London’s Natural History Museum. As one new report stated,

The Natural History Museum will become the latest institution to review it’s [sic (should be “its”)] collections after an audit warned its Charles Darwin exhibitions could be seen as “offensive.” An internal review, sanctioned in the

wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, has led to an audit into some rooms, statues, and collected items that could potentially cause offence [British spelling of “offense”]. It warns that collections which some may find “problematic” could include specimens gathered by Darwin.… "

In short, research

further argues that “museums were put in place to legitimize a racist ideology”, that “covert racism exists in the gaps between the displays.” The executive board of the museum is understood to be “very engaged with the many issues and questions it highlights”. The great naturalist Darwin also has a statue in the museum’s main hall, and a large wing named after him." CEH