Saturday, September 26, 2020

Creation Moment 9/27/2020 - You now have a "MAP" for it....

 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.... Psalm 139:14
You have now a "MAP" for your heart...really think something of that kind of detail evolved from nothing at one point? And how would, whatever first needed something like a heart, survive if it wasn't FULLY operational?

"A multinational team of scientists have created a detailed cellular and molecular map of six anatomical adult heart regions.

The researchers used a high-throughput sequencing method to define individual characteristics of every heart cell.
They then mapped those cells in six regions of 14 healthy donor hearts, seven from men and seven from women.
They also analyzed RNA levels of heart cells using fluorescent markers to glean molecular details of their function.
Identifying not only where cells are, but which proteins they’re producing, will be a particular boon for research,” Dr. Mann said.
For instance, by comparing cells in diseased hearts to those in healthy hearts using the atlas, researchers might pinpoint differences and target new therapies for heart disease.
Though the team studied a relatively small group of hearts, the new atlas revealed some biological surprises.
The six areas of the heart contained 11 different cell types and the authors discovered more than 62 different cell subtypes, which had never been seen before in this detail.
They also uncovered differences between the healthy hearts of males and females; females had a greater proportion of heart muscle cells, called cardiomyocytes, than males.
 “We used data from the heart cell atlas to map the cardiac cells that can be potentially infected by SARS-CoV-2 and found that specialized cells of the small blood vessels are also virus targets.”